I have posted a new translation of William Ockham’s Questions on the Books of Aristotle’s Physics, q. 132-34. I have translated the complete text. These questions deal with essentially ordered causes:
Q. 132: Whether in essentially ordered causes the second cause depends on the first cause.
Q. 133: Whether in essentially ordered causes the superior cause is more perfect
Q. 134: Whether essentially ordered causes are necessarily simultaneously required for producing the effect in respect to which they are essentially ordered causes
The next two questions, not translated by me, are whether a first efficient cause can be proved from production, and whether a first efficient cause can be proved from conservation. Portions of all five of these questions are translated in Ockham, Philosophical Writings, trans. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., rev. Stephen F. Brown (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1990), and presented as Ockham’s proof for God’s existence.